
Good fighters have heart.


A place where you will find encouragement, empowerment, love and no judgement. We refer to our gym as a family , because it’s a community full of trust, respect and encouragement. You will feel safe and surrounded with people who are all working towards the same thing – a better, healthier life.


Our Mission

To invoke positive change, self-worth and strength in our community with education, encouragement, passion, experience through fitness, health and wellness.

Our Vision

To ensure a brighter, stronger more confident future for individuals through a non judgemental safe real, challenging, positive space. To encourage self empowerment and drive you to compete and live a better more productive, healthy life.



Alex Legault

Earning 3 National Titles by the time she was 17, this superstar Boxing Champion and highly sought-after Personal Trainer has joined forces with her husband, an Avid Boxer, Nutritional Hero, and All-Around Fitness Junkie, to bring you Undisputed Boxing.

From Fundamental Beginner Training, to Elite-Level Competition Prep, and everything in between, this powerhouse will push you to your strongest self.

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach & Alberta Boxing Certified Coach


Rob Edmonstone

Beginning boxing at age 8 with Alberta’s most experienced coaches Rob competed in the Canadian circuit until his later teenage years. After boxing Rob continued in the fitness world turning more towards weights and nutrition. Now married to fellow boxer Alex Legault, Rob has taken role of co-head coach and trainer with a certification in Precision Nutrition level 1 . Rob has a great understanding of both recreational fitness and health and the competitive circuit.