Current Programs

Level Up Program

8 week Shred

  • Female running with text behind her that says "Level Up"

    Level Up Program

    This program is all about ¨leveling up¨ your workouts, pushing yourself to that next level of fitness, stamina, and strength! Each week will consist of five workouts: incorporating cardio, speed, strength, and power along with a sample meal plan for the week. This program will not be easy, but nothing great is achieved by taking the easy route- keep yourself accountable and you may even win a cash prize as part of the ¨Be Better Challenge¨.

  • 8 Week Shred Program

    This program is all about building strength, muscle, and endurance with a diversity of workouts to keep things fun and your body guessing. Provided weekly meal plans will help you stay on track by incorporating healthy proteins and carbs into your diet, all while helping you start to build healthy habits.